Saturday, February 21, 2009

Beauty tips by rani Mukherjee

The world has interest to know beauty secret of Rani she said:

Rani who lost all the extra flab with "a balanced diet and junking sweets", lives on "home-cooked food - dal, roti, salad and soup." Fastfood and colas are a no-no, instead it's "nariyal pani, nimbu pani, jal jeera and water." She says, "my normal fitness routine involves walking on the treadmill and sticking to definite timings for food,"

the actress says. "I eat everything and work out to remain fit."On eye care: "I don't take any special care of my eyes. Except when I'm feeling tired, I use an eye toner, which is rose water. And it really helps because after that, my eyes do feel cool and clear. That's my secret."

Thank you.